The Whole Enchilada. Las Palmas was originally conceived in 1922 in Ventura, California, by a talented Mexican housewife named Rosa Ramirez. Rosa started making her delicious “enchilada sauce” from an old and traditional family recipe she refined, using carefully selected hand-picked “chiles” and other ingredients of the finest quality and freshness. Her flavorful sauce became an instant hit among her neighbors and friends. Encouraged by this success, Rosa moved beyond the confines of her kitchen and founded the Ramirez & Feraud Chili Company. Today Las Palmas is the biggest selling Mexican cooking sauce in the United States. While it has grown from its humble beginnings, it still remains authentic to its roots, using only the highest quality chiles and other fresh ingredients
Water, Dried Red Chile Peppers, Salt, Cottonseed Oil, Cider Vinegar, Fumaric Acid, Garlic Powder, Spice, Olive Oil.
Product of Mexico
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